Tuesday 12 May 2015

From the Journal of Jack Simpson

Shrapnel Valley, Gallipoli

25 April 1915

Today we came to fight the Turks but we didn’t know 

they were ready for us.  I lost 6 of my friends when we 

got off the ship.  It was hard to get up the steep terrain.  

When I got to the top there were 15 men dead and 9 

people wounded. 

It is hard work at the battlefront.  When we were fighting 

a bullet whistled past my head, it almost hit me I could smell smoke and bully beef 

for lunch.

It is very exhausting at the front, rescuing soldiers. I can hear bombs going off and there is a sour taste in my mouth. I wish I could go home and have my big tea.

1 comment:

  1. Taylor I like the way you have included some very descriptive words, especially "terrrain", "exhausted", and "whistled". Great writing.
